Adaptable Business Concepts on Perseverance

October 1, 2011 

 It means repetition in the face of opposition. You keep doing the same small things over and over and over again. As you do the small things it produces the big things over a long period of time. Regardless of what comes against you, you keep on choosing to do the right small things. It’s literally putting one foot in front of the other every single day.

Small investments over time turn into huge rewards. You can’t lose weight overnight just like you can’t make up for the mistakes that you’ve made overnight either.

Small changes are what change you as a person over time.

About Adaptable Business Concepts

At Adaptable Business Concepts, we believe the success of a company is in direct correlation with the success of its workforce. We value integrity and work ethic, as we believe they are imperative instruments in the evolution of a thriving company. A company’s biggest obstacle is the fierce competition constantly developing in the marketplace around them. In the past, to combat competition, our clients have initiated aggressive sales campaigns including concentrated telemarketing and direct mail programs. Unfortunately, these strategies failed to produce the desired results. Companies examined why telemarketing and direct mail were ineffective ways of both acquiring leads and clients and this forced them to rethink their existing marketing strategies, and shift to focus on more innovative ways of acquisition and retention of their customer base. Our Solution: Service with a smile. Our Client Acquisition Team offers a more effective approach to marketing and customer relationship management. Promotional-based one-on-one sales interactions brings our clients services directly to potential customers. By utilizing our sales professionals, our clients are provided with the valuable ability to reach and educate potential customers while having their undivided attention.

Posted on April 12, 2012, in adaptable business, adaptable business concepts, adaptable business concepts inc.. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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