Category Archives: adaptable business concepts inc.

Adaptable Business Concepts Expands to Two Additional Locations

Adaptable Business Concepts Promotes New Leadership And Expands To Two Additional Locations


The additional leadership has allowed the company to expand to two new locations on the east coast.
King of Prussia (I-Newswire) December 11, 2012 – Adaptable Business Concepts, a sales and marketing firm in the Philadelphia area, has recently added two new members to its management team. The additional leadership has allowed the company to expand to two new locations on the east coast.

Adaptable Business Concepts, Inc. is an independently owned and operated outsourced direct sales and marketing firm. The clients look for growth in new market shares and Adaptable Business Concepts takes on the task of acquiring customers, retaining existing customers, and increasing sales.

Adaptable Business Concepts’ main client is the leading provider in telecommunications in the nation. The client is the world leader in providing improvements in communications, mobility, information and entertainment. Adaptable Business Concepts focuses on acquiring business and increasing market-share for the fiber-optic division of the company.

Adaptable Business Concepts recently promoted Tiffany Wagner and Rose Treitel to its management team. Both new managers began in the company at an entry level position and worked their way up to management promotions. With the added leadership, Adaptable Business Concepts is now able to take on two new clients and fill the need to be in two additional market shares.

Recently, Wagner spearheaded the opening of the new location in Maryland. In just a week, the new office has hit the ground running and plans to continue to double in size in the first quarter of 2013. Soon after, Treitel helped open the Boston location.

“I am so proud of the team we have here. They are hard working and caring individuals. They are constantly participating in the community service events we hold as well as working together to help each other succeed in their careers. I am proud of Tiffany and Rose and with their determination, I expect only great things from them in the coming months,” says President of Adaptable Business Concepts, Chris Migner.

With the growth of these new offices, the company expects to exceed client goals for 2013. In the next twelve months, Adaptable Business Concepts expects to open 4 more locations and take on three new clients.

“The company recently was named as 2012 Best and Brightest companies to work for and will strive to see that its additional locations live up to the same standards in helping us receive the same award for 2013,” continues Migner.


Top 10 List: The Greatest Living Business Leaders Today

David K. Williams, Contributor

With the passing of my dear friend Stephen R. Covey, I have been taking some time to consider many of the greatest business leaders who are wielding strong influence on the business world we live in today.
I’d like to present my personal top 10 list of the people I consider most influential in terms of innovative thinking, focus on customers, and their desire to serve the less-fortunate, which is a strong and continual interest of mine.

Richard Branson has one of the world’s most widely recognized personal brands

Without further ado and in no particular order, I present to you my personal Top 10:

1. Jeff Bezos, AmazonJeff Bezos is a pioneer in world of internet commerce, and was instrumental in defining this space that is now defining many aspects of the internet world. It is Jeff Bezos who innovated the concept of “predictive analytics”–recommending products to customers based on search history and buying habits. Whether you like the concept or you hate it, the idea has made online commerce more profit rich and efficient, and is making online shopping a better experience for consumers throughout the world.

2. Anne Mulcahy, Xerox – Anne turned things around when her company faced a financial crisis. Yes, I can directly relate. You can read about some of my adventures at Fishbowl here. Anne never aspired to the role of CEO, but neither did she shy away from the opportunity to lead when elected by the board of Xerox in 2001. During her tenure she was required to reduce the company’s workforce by 30% and later eliminated the entire desktop portion of Xerox. For her courageous execution in the face of adversity Chief Executive Magazine named her CEO of the Year in 2008 and U.S. News & World Report named her one of America’s Best Leaders. Forbes acknowledged Anne as one of the world’s most influential women in 2005 and 2009.

3. Brad Smith, Intuit – Intuit is one of the world’s largest and most successful financial software companies. It is the maker of the QuickBooks accounting software we have integrated with our Fishbowl Inventory software. Even as a company of nearly $4B in revenue with a market cap of approximately $16.5B, Intuit continues to operate like a collection of startups. Brad has fostered a culture where nearly 8,000 employees are allowed to take risks and to grow by learning from success and failure.

4. Howard Schultz, Starbucks – From his upbringing in a poor family in the Bronx to an athletic scholarship and eventually the head of Starbucks, Howard Schultz is a consummate example of courage, hard work, and the ability to achieve the American dream. Even in the glow of his own successes, Howard is also interested in investing in others’ success and continues to invest actively in other business ventures, such as eBay.

5. Larry Page, Google – Larry Page is another example of a businessperson who can persevere any challenge. Larry and his company have faced much criticism and received ample praise over the years for his company’s actions. But in the midst of the storm, he has never let what others think sway him from pursuing the course for his company that he considers the best.

6. Tim Cook, Apple – Steve Jobs is a hard act to follow, but thus far, Tim Cook is doing a tremendous job. Rather than attempt to match the consumer-facing innovations Steve Jobs had been known for, Tim Cook is forging into the future with his own new advances, such as Apple’s newest innovative inventory management techniques.

7. Indra Nooyi, PepsiCo – Indra Nooyi, another of Forbes 100 Most Powerful Women, has not only led her company to record financial results but is making strides to move PepsiCo in a healthier direction, leading the courageous charge to shed traditional fast food properties and to replace them with initiatives to supply healthier foods. She is deeply caring and committed as a senior executive. She is a fun-loving executive as well—she played lead guitar for an all-woman rock band in college, loved to play cricket, and is known to sing karaoke and perform at corporate gatherings to this day. Yes, I have been known to relate to her fun-loving spirit as a senior executive as well.

8. Warren Buffett, Berkshire Hathaway – He is a deeply conservative trader during the times that everyone around him is moving from one extreme to the other to the tune of huge losses and gains. Warren Buffett is a perfect example of patience, proving that slow and steady generally wins the business race. (Although I continue to press my own desire to spur Fishbowl’s inventory software business to race!)

9. Sir Richard Branson, Virgin Group – Anyone who owns more than 400 companies and is worth billions of dollars is clearly doing many things right. I admire Richard Branson’s tenacity, and I admire his personal brand—so much so, that when my paired leadership partner, Mary Michelle Scott, and I recently traveled to Australia with several of our team in our launch of Fishbowl Australia, we made the effort and kept the commitment to fly with Virgin Airlines every step of the way.

10. Rupert Murdoch, News Corporation – Rupert Murdoch is a self-made and hard driven Australia-born head of an American publishing dynasty, as the founder, chairman and CEO of News Corporation. He continues to work unbelievably hard at an age when most would have retired long ago. In the midst of accusation and scandal he’s needed to find new strength to face the accusation of bribery, corruption and hacking by subsidiary firms. This news is still breaking, as Rupert resigns from the boards of several of the subsidiary companies involved. Regardless of the outcome, the work ethic and sheer tenacity Rupert Murdoch has shown in the face of adversity continues to serve as an example to all.

Collectively, these 10 individuals are my own “living legends” who exemplify leadership strength. Who are your examples, and why? I look forward to hearing your additions and your feedback on this illustrious list. – Adaptable Business Concepts Selected As One Of 2012’s Best and Brightest Places To Work

Adaptable Business Concepts has grown to multiple locations in the last year and expects to continue to excel as a great place to work as it continues to grow.

King Of Prussia, PA, November 30, 2012 –(– Adaptable Business Concepts, a sales and marketing firm in the eastern Pennsylvania, has been awarded as one of the “Best and Brightest” companies to work for. Adaptable Business Concepts has grown to multiple locations in the last year and expects to continue to excel as a great place to work as it continues to grow.

Adaptable Business Concepts, Inc., located in King of Prussia, is an independently owned and operated outsourced direct sales and marketing firm. Their primary focus is acquiring and retaining business on behalf of their Fortune 500 clients. The approach at Adaptable Business Concepts is to adapt their sales approach based on customer, market and technological changes. Adaptable Business Concepts’ dynamic staff has years of experience in the direct sales and marketing industry. This has allowed the company to expand to different states and take on new clients in the past year.

Adaptable Business Concepts’ main client is the leading provider in telecommunications in the nation. The client is the world leader in providing improvements in communications, mobility, information and entertainment. Adaptable Business Concepts focuses on acquiring business and increasing market-share for the fiber-optic division of the company.

The Best and Brightest competition provides an overall assessment report which summarized how Adaptable Business Concepts compares to other organizations.

Adaptable Business Concepts and other winners are highlighted in a media campaign with news sent to the local news media. A roster of winning companies has been published in local news publications, announcements on a major news radio station with online streaming of the winner’s honor and links to the Best and Brightest website.

The 2012 winning companies were judged by an independent research firm. The firm reviewed a number of key areas comparative to other nationally recognized winners. The key measures reviewed include compensation, employee benefits, employee growth, engagement and retention, employee education and development, recruiting, employee recognition, shared vision and communication, diversity, work-life balance, community involvement and strategic company performance.

Adaptable Business Concepts says it plans to continue to improve and strives to be the Best and Brightest company to work for in 2013.

How To Be Seen As A Leader – At Any Point In Your Career

Erika Andersen, Contributor

I read another really good post by Glenn Llopis today, about how to become a thought leader. He has ten excellent suggestions for becoming someone who’s seen as having useful insights into patterns and trends in a particular area or industry (his definition of thought leadership).

And as often happens when I read well-written posts, it sparked a whole other chain of thinking in me. I’ve been talking to lots of younger professionals recently, people who are in their first ‘leader’ job – where they’re just starting to manage others –  or those who aren’t yet managing people, but want to move in that direction.  And all of them are wondering how they can be seen as leaders by others in their organizations.

It’s a great question to ask.  Sometimes people assume that when they get a “leader job,” they’ll automatically be seen as leaders. But these folks I’ve been talking with know intuitively that’s not how it works….maybe because they’ve worked for someone who is in that leader job, but who they don’t regard as a leader!

And that’s been my observation as well: there are appointed leaders and  there are accepted leaders – and being the first doesn’t guarantee that you’ll be the second.

Fortunately, you can start working on being someone who people will accept as a leader long before you’re appointed to lead.  Think of a leader, in the simplest terms, as someone whom others trust to influence and guide them. With that in mind, here are 3 things to think about and do in order to begin to develop yourself as a leader, no matter what your current title or position:

Understand your business. This is your starting point for leadership. If you don’t understand how your business works – how the business provides value to its customers, how the parts operate together, what the competitive landscape looks like – it’s unlikely anyone is going to look to you for guidance or insight.  Too often I see people who have a very limited view of their business – generally they over-focus on their particular part of it – who think they have great insights and don’t understand why they’re not viewed as leaders.  Sometimes these are very senior people.

If you want to find out whether or not you understand your business, start by asking yourself these questions: How does our product or service get created – that is, what’s the process it goes through from idea to execution?  How do we let customers know what we have and why it’s valuable? How do we interact with customers, and who’s responsible for that? What are our company’s most important goals – and what are we doing to achieve them? If you don’t know the answers to those questions, get curious; start exploring.

Demonstrate your support for your colleagues’ success. Good leaders are focused primarily on the good of the group.  When you show, through your words and deeds, that you have others’ best interests at heart, those people will see you as supportive of the group as a whole (vs. only on your own success), and they will begin to trust you to influence and guide them.  This is something you can start doing right now:  If someone raises an idea in a meeting that you think is good, say so. If a co-worker asks for your help, help them if it’s at all possible.  If someone has a problem and you can see a solution, offer it.

Figure out how you can contribute more to the success of the business.  Too often, people who want to be leaders focus mainly on how to get promoted – they think, as I said earlier, that getting a ‘leader job’ will make them a leader. I’ve noticed, though, that people who focus mainly on how they can provide the greatest value to the business are much more likely to be seen as leaders.  And then, when those folks ask for a promotion, they’re much more likely to get it. In my experience, most bosses want to reward employees who are making the boss’ life easier (e.g., doing valuable work that needs doing and helps the business).

If others see you as understanding the business, supporting their success, and doing your best to provide value to the organization, they are much more likely to see you as someone to rely on and turn to; they are much more likely to open themselves to your influence and insight; they are much more likely to trust you and align with you.  And that’s the essence of leadership, where ever you are in your career.


Erika’s new book, Leading So People Will Follow, is available everywhere books are sold.  It’s on Amazon’s “hot new releases” list, and Booklist called it “a book to read more than once and to consult many times.”

Are you a followable leader?  Take the Accepted Leader Assessment and find out.

Adaptable Business Concepts Selected As One Of 2012’s Best and Brightest Places To Work

Adaptable Business Concepts, a sales and marketing firm in the eastern Pennsylvania, has been awarded as one of the “Best and Brightest” companies to work for.  Adaptable Business Concepts has grown to multiple locations in the last year and expects to continue to excel as a great place to work as it continues to grow.

Adaptable Business Concepts, Inc., located in King of Prussia, is an independently owned and operated outsourced direct sales and marketing firm.  Their primary focus is acquiring and retaining business on behalf of their Fortune 500 clients.   The approach at Adaptable Business Concepts is to adapt their sales approach based on customer, market and technological changes.  Adaptable Business Concepts’ dynamic staff has years of experience in the direct sales and marketing industry. This has allowed the company to expand to different states and take on new clients in the past year.

Adaptable Business Concepts’ main client is the leading provider in telecommunications in the nation. The client is the world leader in providing improvements in communications, mobility, information and entertainment. Adaptable Business Concepts focuses on acquiring business and increasing market-share for the fiber-optic division of the company.

The Best and Brightest competition provides an overall assessment report which summarized how Adaptable Business Concepts compares to other organizations. 

Adaptable Business Concepts and other winners are highlighted in Winners are highlighted in a media campaign with news sent to the local news media.  A roster of winning companies has been published in local news publications, announcements on a major news radio station with online streaming of the winners honor and links to the Best and Brightest website.

The 2012 winning companies were judged by an independent research firm.  The firm reviewed a number of key areas comparative to other nationally recognized winners.  The key measures reviewed include compensation, employee benefits, employee growth, engagement and retention, employee education and development, recruiting, employee recognition, shared vision and communication, diversity, work-life balance, community involvement and strategic company performance

Adaptable Business Concepts says it plans to continue to improve and strives to be the Best and Brightest company to work for in 2013.

Adaptable Business Concepts Awarded As One of 2012’s Best And Brightest Companies To Work For

National Association for Business Resources Names the Best and Brightest Companies to Work For in the Country

 WARREN, Mich., Nov. 8, 2012 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — Hundreds of competing companies throughout the country vie for the Best and Brightest designation, but only companies with the highest quality human resources initiatives can be named a  National Best and Brightest Companies to Work For. (See following list of winners.)

The 2012 winning companies were assessed by an independent research firm, which reviewed a number of key measures relative to other nationally recognized winners. They include Compensation, Benefits and Employee Solutions; Employee Enrichment, Engagement and Retention; Employee Education and Development; Recruitment, Selection and Orientation; Employee Achievement and Recognition; Communication and Shared Vision; Diversity and Inclusion; Work-Life Balance; Community Initiatives; Strategic Company Performance.

With more than 10 years of experience conducting Best and Brightest Company competitions, the National Association for Business Resources (NABR) has identified numerous best HR practices and provided benchmarking for companies that continue to be leaders in employment standards.

“Our list of nationally recognized companies has grown significantly this year. This exceptional growth is a testament to how important this designation is for companies that want to have the best and brightest employees working for them,” said Jennifer Kluge, National Association for Business Resources President, which presents the program. “We are proud to recognize and honor these winning companies.”

Additionally, three Elite winners were selected in the category of Small-Size Business, Medium-Size Business and Large-Size Business. (See following list of winners.)  Elite winners were selected based on their high scores in all categories. The companies that have been selected to be recognized nationally as a Best and Brightest Company to Work For™ will be featured in the December 13 online edition of Corp! Magazine. The winning companies will also receive additional recognition as a national winner at a Best and Brightest Companies to Work For™ awards symposium and gala at a location of their choosing in several U.S. cities.

The “Best and Brightest Companies to Work For™,” a program of the National Association for Business Resources, is presented annually in five markets: Atlanta, Detroit, Chicago, Houston and Grand Rapids. Nominations are now being accepted for 2013. Visit to obtain an application.

Based in Warren, Mich., the National Association for Business Resources (NABR) is a business organization of small to medium-sized businesses, representing more than 20,000 members who employ over 200,0000 persons nationally. Members include attorneys, physicians, architects, accountants, construction companies, banks, retailers, wholesalers, manufacturers and the like.  Member businesses receive numerous benefits including free legal and financial consultations; discounted technology, automotive and office products; employee training and recruitment assistance; and competitive insurance rates. Visit NABR online at

2012 National Best and Brightest Companies to Work For™ Winners

Acoustics By Design, Inc.
Adaptable Business Concepts
Aegis Communications Group
American Academy of Pediatrics
AnnieMac Home Mortgage
Anteo Group
Applications Software Technology Corporation
Applied Imaging
Ashley Ellis
Aspen Surgical
BGT Partners
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan
Bridgewater Interiors, LLC
Brown & Brown of Detroit
Care Communications, Inc.
City of Atlanta
College Works Painting
Community Counseling Centers of Chicago
Computerized Facility Integration LLC
Conway MacKenzie
Coretek Services
Credential Check Corporation
Credit Acceptance
DevBridge, Inc.
DFCU Financial
Easter Seals Michigan
Educational Data Systems, Inc.
Elzinga & Volkers Construction Professionals
Enesco, LLC
ePrize LLC
FONA International, Inc.
Foundation Financial Group (FFG)
General Employment Enterprises, Inc.
GoHealth Insurance
Greeley and Hansen LLC
Greenleaf Trust
GreenStone Farm Credit Services
Harley Ellis Devereaux
Henry Ford Health System
Holland Hospital
Honigman Miller Schwartz and Cohn LLP
ImageSoft Inc.
Impact Networking, LLC
Inergy Automotive Systems (USA) LLC
Inktel Contact Center Solutions
Insight Sourcing Group
International Contractors, Inc.
Jakob Marketing Partners
Jumpstart for Young Children
LeasePlan USA
Magnetic Consulting Group
Marketing Associates
Marquette General Health System
McGraw Wentworth
Medline Industries, Inc.
Medtech College
Meridian Health Plan
Michigan Financial Companies/Platinum Wealth Solutions
Michigan First Credit Union
Mill Steel Company
Mission Home Health Inc.
Mutual Trust Financial Group
National Futures Association
Navint Partners, LLC
NCSA Athletic Recruiting
Nemeth Burwell, P.C.
OpTech, LLC
Pcubed (Program Planning Professionals, Inc.)
Plante Moran, PLLC
Plex Systems Inc.
Prestige Staffing
Radio Flyer
Rockford Construction Company Inc.
Ryan, LLC
Seco Tools, Inc.
SecurAlarm Systems, Inc.
Secure-24, Inc.
Service Express, Inc. (SEI)
Shoemaker Financial
Shure Incorporated
Sonoma Partners, LLC
Southwest Michigan First
Spot Trading
Tasty Catering
The ALARIS Group, Inc.
The Comprehensive Group
The Marketing Store
The Paradies Shops
The So Cal Group
Trivalent Group
Underground Elephant
Verizon Wireless
w3r Consulting
Wesco Inc.
WestLake Financial Group
WMS Industries
WOW! Internet, Cable & Phone

2012 National Best and Brightest Companies to Work For™ Elite Award Winners




Small Business

Southwest Michigan First (Kalamazoo)  

Medium Business

FONA International (Chicago)

Large Business

Henry Ford Health System (Detroit)

For Further information:
Contact: Sue Voyles (734) 667-2005
-or- Jennifer Kluge 1-866-321-1822

SOURCE National Association for Business Resources

PR Newswire (


Olympian advice for business leaders

By Anthony Goodman

On Sunday it will all be over. The Olympians will start to leave London and, after taking a well-earned break, begin to prepare for the next challenge.

For some, it will be a second chance in Rio at the 2016 Games. For others, such as swimmer Michael Phelps, it will be retirement from active competition. And for a few, a new career beckons advising business leaders on what it takes to succeed.

For those who choose this latter option, they are following a well-worn track. Roger Black, the British athlete who won a silver medal in the 400 metres at the Atlanta Olympics in 1996, runs a training and development business. He says: “Everything we do in our business is about transferring the experience that we have as high-level performers in sport into business.”

Some observers, however, are sceptical that much can be transferred. Octavius Black, co-founder of performance consultancy Mind Gym, recently wrote in the Telegraph that “athletic sport is primarily about completing a single task to an exceptionally high standard. Business is invariably a multi-task, multi-layered affair . . . Yes, to be successful in business or sport you need determination, the trust of your colleagues and a good coach, but you need these just as much in ballet.”

Nonetheless, there is appetite among business leaders to learn from the Olympians. Even the late Stephen Covey’s last column, which was written last month and published posthumously, was called “How to succeed like an Olympian”.

Nadia Comaneci and her husband Bart Conner, both Olympic gold medal winners in gymnastics, discussed the overlap between business and sport in the book Awaken the Olympian Within , a collection of stories about Olympians. “Most people are familiar with the championship qualities that help an athlete become a winner,” they say. “These, of course, are the same attributes that help business people enjoy success. We all have the ability to make a commitment, the courage to set long- and short-range goals, the strength to lead, the guts to handle adversity, the selflessness to be a team player.”

I have identified three lessons business leaders can learn from Olympians. While these could well be learned from other sources too, these athletes tend to embody and inspire these behaviours in greater measure than many other types of competitors.

First, you need a clear vision and goals for what you want to achieve.

Writing in the Financial Times, Ross Tieman recently quoted Matthieu Péché and Gauthier Klauss, the French two-man canoe team, saying: “An Olympic campaign is about fixing objectives and ensuring you reach them. That applies in business too.”

Jim Craig the goaltender of the 1980 “Miracle on Ice” US men’s hockey team wrote in Gold Medal Strategies : “We could not have achieved greatness if we were selfish individuals and if we didn’t keep an eye on the bigger prize. We could not have won the game that couldn’t be won, or beat the team that couldn’t be beat, unless we bought into a common objective and prepared and competed in unison to achieve that objective.”

Second, just as for team sports, it is all about getting the right people in the team and then making sure they work together effectively.

Christie Rampone, captain of the US women’s Olympic football team, told Inc. magazine that communication and collaboration are the keys to success. “Whether in the world of soccer or business, leadership is simple,” she said. “It’s about communication, honesty, and building confidence. That’s it. You get that, and your team competes at its best. Period.”

Last year, Ben Hunt-Davis, a member of the gold medal winning UK men’s eight rowing team in Sydney in 2000, co-authored a book called Will it make the boat go faster? This question became a mantra for keeping his crew focused on preparing for the Olympics.

Mr Hunt-Davis and Harriet Beveridge, his co-author, advocate discussions with the team to develop winning behaviours. “The team behaviours stuck because the team talked them through . . . The crew spent so much time talking that eyebrows were raised in a sporting culture where ‘doing time’ (the physical training) was valued most highly.”

The third lesson is to avoid the doubters and naysayers and remain resolutely positive. There will always be people who will tell you that you cannot succeed.

Argentina’s Ruben Gonzalez, a four-time Olympic luger turned motivational speaker, tells his audiences: “Not quitting on the way to the goal transforms us. It’s about who we become by taking the journey. The Olympics are about all that is right about the human spirit. The Olympics showcase a group of people who were willing to go for it. People who refused to quit when the going got tough. I only made it because I refused to quit.”

Of course, there are many other requirements for an Olympian that may not matter so much for a business leader: good genetics, 10,000 hours of practice, and coaching by former Olympians.

The fact is business and Olympians were made for each other. Athletes want sponsorship, products need endorsements and businesspeople require motivation.

I’m sure Michael Phelps will soon be telling the business world how to make a bigger splash.

See What’s Been Going On At Adaptable Business Concepts

Tuesday Night With Adaptable Business Concepts At The Fox And The Hound

 Adaptable Business Concepts In Atlanta
Just Another Wednesday At Adaptable Business Concepts
Wednesday Night Basketball With Adaptable Business Concepts

Adaptable Business Concepts Travels To Georgia For A National Conference

Adaptable Business Concepts, Inc. Holds Charity Event To Raise Money For The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia

Adaptable Business Concepts hosted the event in Fairmount Park in Philadelphia. The event helped raise over $600 for the cause.
King Of Prussia (I-Newswire) July 27, 2012 – Adaptable Business Concepts, a Philadelphia based firm, hosted a charity event to raise money for The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. The event involved a charity softball game and cookout.

Adaptable Business Concepts is an independently owned and operated outsourced direct sales and marketing firm. The company’s primary focus is acquiring and retaining large volumes of business on behalf of its clients. Their approach is to adapt their style to each customer, market, and technology.

The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP). CHOP, founded in 1855, has been providing exceptional and specialized care to children for over a century. The organization has grown drastically from its inception, serving just fewer than four hundred patients in their first year to treating over 1 million a year currently.

Adaptable Business Concepts hosted the event in Fairmount Park in Philadelphia. In attendance were several members of the company along with friends, family and members of the community. Each participant paid an entry fee to play and eat. In addition to the entry fee, the attendees also made personal donations. The event helped raise over $600 for the cause.

The donation was presented to CHOP the following week. CHOP was selected because it is an organization many in the Adaptable Business Concepts community felt passionately about. The proceeds will be used specifically for special events to bring fun and excitement to the children in the hospital.

The event will be one of many aimed at supporting remarkable organizations in the Philadelphia area. Adaptable Business Concepts plans to continue giving back to the community with other charity events in the coming months.

About Adaptable Business Concepts:
Adaptable Business Concepts, Inc is an independently owned and operated outsourced direct sales and marketing firm.

Our primary focus is acquiring and retaining high volumes of business on behalf of our clients, we are able to do this by adapting our approach to each customer, market, and of course the ever changing times and technology.